Bullish | 牛氣沖天

語音導覽 青銅 49 x 17 x 27cm


The sculpture "Bullist Rhino 牛氣沖天" depicts a powerful rhinoceros donning armor, poised for battle. Though lacking the fierce aggression of a charging warrior, this rhinoceros emanates a subtle smile, with limbs as sturdy as an elephant's and a tail aflame like a torch. Through modern copper-casting techniques, the artist brings to life this ancient beast with new emotions and spirit. Its name, "Bullist Rhino 牛氣沖天", symbolizes its emergence from history with a fresh perspective and significance. Animal imagery has long influenced the development of art history, and its representation and interpretation have undergone significant changes in contemporary visual language and art. By transforming and reshaping the rhinoceros, the artist seeks to provoke new reflections on the human-animal relationship, ecology, and the evolution of animal imagery in art history.