King Kong Rhino | 金鋼犀牛

On the occasion of the exhibition dedicated to the Remondini collection of the engravings by Albrecht Dürer, scheduled for spring-summer 2019, the work "King Kong Rhino" by the Chinese artist Li-Jen Shih is presented at the Belvedere of Palazzo Sturm in Bassano del Grappa.

The subject of the great contemporary monument is a mirror-steel rhino which has the dual function of bringing, on the one hand, the environmental problems of respect for nature and the risks that this runs due to human negligence, and on the other side there are the historical artistic themes that are set in the Bassano's tradition of engraving and collecting.

It is in fact within this subject that we choose the image of the whole exhibition's communication, which will also be shown on the cover of the catalog, of the famous rhino of the German engraver.

The connection between ancient and contemporary art, between East and West, between drawing and sculpture, responds to the themes proposed by the town's museum planning and once again becomes a strategy for the valorization of the heritage kept in the city's museums. A genius loci of international scope, that of engraving, which boasts a name that has marked the history of art of all time, that of Albrecht Dürer.

繼第16屆威尼斯建築雙年展後,巴薩諾城市博物館(Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa)迎來了全身不鏽鋼鏡面的《金鋼犀牛》下榻史特姆宮殿(Palazzo Sturm),即日起它將與巴薩諾城相守至2019年12月14日,並與中世紀北傳文藝復興重要推手的德國大師「杜勒」進行跨越五百年的藝術對話。

這個藝術對談的構想由巴薩諾城市博物館館長姬亞拉‧卡薩琳(Chiara Casarin)經半年的溝通協調而促成,起名「金鋼犀牛等待杜勒 (King Kong Rhino waiting for Dürer)」旨在為藝術搭建起歷史、文化遺產與當代藝術之間的鏈接。而甫於日前剛揭幕的「杜勒-雷蒙尼尼家族收藏展 (Albrecht Dürer. La collezione Remondini)」便以杜勒揚名歐美足足三世紀的「犀牛」作為該展覽的軸心;它被視作犀牛圖像在藝術史上的開宗始祖,也因它完美的存在而影響了許多現代大師,如超現實主義大師達利就以杜勒的犀牛為創作之根基,形塑出立體犀牛雕塑。現今台灣的藝術家施力仁在斯特姆宮殿的觀景台上所矗立的《金鋼犀牛》與杜勒的犀牛木刻版畫在主題上相繼呼應,倆倆呈現出藝術家寄情於藝術的理念以及所屬時代的特性與魅力。這巨型紀念碑雕塑渾身上下鏡面不鏽鋼處理,使它如同一面明鏡,一方面映射出巴薩諾藝術與歷史的光輝,另一方面更藉由即將滅種的犀牛形象提醒人們尊重自然與環境保護的重要議題。《金鋼犀牛》如神獸般駐紮在巴薩諾城最美的全景露臺上,遠眺著布倫塔河(Fiume Brenta)及其著名老橋(Ponte degli Alpini),串聯起過去與現在,吸引著四面八方的人們與之縱覽該城鎮的美景。

巴薩諾城市文化市政委員喬凡尼‧庫尼科(Giovanni Cunico)表示:「我們選擇以國際當代藝術來慶祝斯特姆宮殿的重啟,藉以宣揚巴薩諾是一個鞏固歷史文化遺產並且與時俱進的城市。以此為根基,這個具有豐富古典美學的城市迎來了鋼鐵的當代犀牛,兩者之間的差異成就了非凡的際遇。」



看著《金鋼犀牛》精神抖擻地豎立在斯特姆宮殿前,身旁笑臉迎人的施力仁親自迎接來訪的嘉賓,與市長里卡多‧波列托(Riccardo Poletto)、文化市政委員喬凡尼‧庫尼科及巴薩諾城市博物館館長姬亞拉‧卡薩琳共同為展覽揭幕,而《金鋼犀牛》將守護著斯特姆宮殿裡珍貴杜勒版畫,伴著日月星辰紀錄起自己的獨特歷史。

© Salvatore Cuccurullo