King Kong Rhino | 金鋼犀牛

語音導覽 不銹鋼 888 x 220 x 458cm




Shih Li-Jen's artwork, "King Kong Rhino," is a majestic sculpture standing at 8.8 meters in length and approximately 5 meters in height. Inspired by the rhinoceros, a creature with a rich history in Chinese mythology, Shih Li-Jen's sculpture embodies the muscular form of this benevolent animal in a modernist and avant-garde style. With a futuristic and armored design, "King Kong Rhino" integrates imaginative elements of science fiction and expresses the artist's spiritual temperament through its figurative approach.

As an Eastern artist, Shi Li-Jen infuses the sculpture with the rhinoceros' multiple meanings and mysterious power, symbolizing prosperity and well-being. The rhinoceros also represents the warm and affectionate family unit, reflecting Shi Li-Jen's emotional expression of spousal or father-son relationships. The rhinoceros has been a powerful symbol in Chinese culture for centuries, and Shi Li-Jen's interpretation adds to the creature's enduring significance.

Lu Xun, a famous Chinese writer and philosopher, once described sculptures in Chinese culture as possessing profound and grandiose power, and Shih Li-Jen's rhinoceros series of works fully embodies this spirit in both content and form. This artwork has been recognized and displayed at two prestigious events, the 2017 Venice Biennale and the 2018 Venice Architect Biennale, making it the first monumental sculpture to be exhibited at both events. "King Kong Rhino" not only harmonizes with its surroundings but also creates a grand and imposing monument-like presence, reflecting the artist's vision of a powerful and meaningful artwork.