Primordial Rhino | 蒼 犀

語音導覽 青銅 bronze  470x165x220cm

  「天蒼蒼,野茫茫,風吹草低,見牛羊」 犀牛──原古生命、奇趾類動物科目中的龐然大物,以身形而獲讚稱奇、以靈角而聞名遐邇。古老的生物犀牛,這尊出自藝術家施力仁之手的蒼犀牛周身圍繞圓形鎧甲,神色從容。體態渾厚的《蒼犀》風格延續了犀牛家族、金鋼犀牛等系列的生命脈絡,脊背上層層溝壑,也似雲嶺高原之巔,在牛身見證了時間的縱向發展,令人聯想起宋畫「萬壑松風」中不畏逆境,生命力十足的巍峨高大山水意象。


“The expanse of blueness above,
The boundless wilderness across,
Wind blowing by, grass nodding low,
Herds of cattle and goats emerge.”
-- Chinese Poetry

"The Primordial Rhino" is a masterpiece sculpture by the artist Shih Li-Jen, depicting a majestic and enigmatic rhinoceros, symbolizing ancient life. Renowned for its spectacular imagery and profound symbolism, this sculpture stands as a testament to the artist's unique vision and skill.
Crafted with Shih Li-Jen's distinctive technique and profound creativity, "The Primordial Rhino" brings the ancient image of the rhinoceros into the realm of modern art. The sculpture presents a serene posture, as if it were immersed in an ancient and mysterious world.
Encircling the body of "The Primordial Rhino" is a circular armor, highlighting its resilience and steadfast nature. Shih Li-Jen skillfully integrates the image of the rhinoceros with the natural landscape, evoking a sense of being amidst mountains and rivers, witnessing the passage of time and the flourishing of life.
One of the highlights of the sculpture is the horns on the rhinoceros. Each horn bears concentric circles of fingerprint patterns, symbolizing the infinite cosmos and the cycle of life. Pointing upwards towards the sky, these horns represent boundless aspirations for the future and wishes for beauty and harmony.
In essence, "The Primordial Rhino" is not just an artwork but also a fable about life, time, and wisdom. It guides viewers into a realm beyond reality, exploring the connection between ancient creatures and nature, and offering profound reflections and insights into the world.