Rhino Baby | 犀牛崽

語音導覽 銅 Bronze 105 x 42 x 62cm

  這是一隻剛出生不久即被盜獵者奪去其母親生命的犀牛崽,面容凝重沉默,透露出一股悲慟的氣質,眼淚汩汩,四肢聚攏,前肢邁步向前,尾巴顫栗收緊,筆直向下。藝術家形像生動的把小犀牛這種難過恐懼的心理通過肢體、頭部的形態表達的淋漓盡致,也使得觀者為之動容,潸然淚下。 犀牛崽以青銅鑄成,來自於施力仁"生生不息"裝置作品,犀牛崽一般在母犀牛的保護下成長至五歲方能離開母親獨立面對大自然,然而盜獵者挖走母犀的角後,小犀牛如果沒有及時得到救助將會在犀牛媽媽身邊餓死或是被其他獵食者殺害。藝術家以這種最直接並且帶有一絲批判性的方式將犀牛展示在觀眾的面前。用視覺的衝擊引起大家對大自然與人類關係的關注反思。

The illegal hunting and poaching of wildlife is a global concern that adversely affects numerous species, including rhinoceroses. Artist Shih Li-Jen's "Endless Vitality" installation features a bronze sculpture of a baby rhinoceros that serves as a poignant reminder of this issue.
The sculpture portrays a recently born rhino whose mother has fallen victim to poachers, leaving the vulnerable calf alone and defenseless. The rhino's expression is sorrowful and silent, communicating a deep sense of sadness, with tears streaming down its cheeks. Through the rhino calf's body and head, the artist evocatively conveys its emotions of grief and fear, moving viewers profoundly.
In their natural habitat, rhinos are protected by their mothers until they are three years old and can survive independently in the wild. However, if poachers steal a mother rhino's horn, the baby rhino may face starvation or be killed by other predators if not rescued promptly. The bronze sculpture serves as a direct and compelling representation of this harsh reality.
Li-Jen Shih's artistic vision is to bring attention to the relationship between humans and nature. By creating such a powerful and dramatic representation of the rhino, he urges viewers to contemplate the impact of human activities on wildlife and the environment. The sculpture's visual impact aims to raise awareness of the poaching issue and prompt action to safeguard vulnerable species such as the rhino.
In summary, Shih Li-Jen's bronze sculpture of a baby rhinoceros is a compelling representation of the devastating effects of poaching and human actions on wildlife. Through this artwork, the artist appeals to viewers to reflect on their relationship with nature and take action to protect vulnerable species.