Rhino Family | 犀牛家族


摸犀牛角 賺錢穩當當
摸犀牛頭 兒孫有出頭
摸犀牛目 好事真價值
摸犀牛耳 健康吃百二
摸犀牛嘴 萬年大富貴
摸犀牛鼻  內外好吉利
摸犀牛身  家和萬事興
摸犀牛肚  添丁大富戶
摸犀牛腳 財產吃未乾
摸犀牛尾 年年剩傢伙


The Rhino Family sculpture series, headed by the patriarch Rhino Dad, embodies the ideals of strength, responsibility, and continuity within a family unit. Rhino Dad's robust and powerful physique exudes the sense of duty and protection that comes with leading a household, while his depiction goes beyond mere realism, incorporating both human and mechanical elements. The rhino horn, for example, has been transformed into a commanding thumbs-up symbol, representing the strength and hope required to carry on a family legacy. He wears armor that underscores his role as a steadfast leader, while his tail, in the form of a victory torch, symbolizes triumph over adversity. Thus, the series demonstrates a transition from classical representational art to modern vocabulary, embodying both inheritance and innovation.

The Rhino Family series is a comprehensive set of sculptures that includes a mother rhino, representing the nurturing, caring side of motherhood, and a rhino baby, crafted with a more futuristic, technological look that symbolizes the promise of the future. Finally, Rhino House is an exquisite fusion of sleek modern design and classic elegance, featuring a minimalist, streamlined appearance reminiscent of a Lamborghini, yet retaining the timeless beauty of classical aesthetics.

In essence, the Rhino Family sculptures reflect the artist's life philosophy and worldview, conveying traits of both rugged strength and gentle warmth, as well as an unyielding commitment to progress and innovation, while paying homage to the eternal allure of classical beauty.