Rhino Family Vessel | 犀牛尊家族

語音導覽 青銅 36 x 23 x 18cm(母) 38 x 23 x 18cm(公)


  "The vessel is shaped like a rhinoceros, standing tall with a plump body, short, thick legs, thick, wrinkled skin, and two sharp horns. The fingerprint pattern on the horns symbolizes the spirit of justice and upward movement. It represents not only the individual artist but also every existing individual, resonating with them. The vessel's belly is hollow, and there is an oval-shaped opening on the back with a lid that can be used as a wine container. Despite its appearance as a heavy bronze object, the vessel radiates vitality and shines with life. In ancient times, rhinos and elephants were considered mystical creatures, and many vessels with their images were created, known as "Rhino Vessels." These vessels were popular from the Shang Dynasty to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The most renowned of these is the gilded silver vessel, which is now housed in the National Museum of China. Not only was the vessel a large and medium-sized wine container and gift, but it was also a symbol of nobility and power. This Rhino Vessel has a long history, stretching from ancient times to the present day, representing the external manifestation of the cultural heritage behind the artist."