Running Rhino | 奔跑犀牛

語音導覽 青銅 bronze 490 × 190 × 225cm

  《奔跑的犀牛》承負著對生命式慰藉的追尋,藝術家以燃燒的知覺,淬煉著生命的硬度,表現出生活富有智慧的哲思與了悟,以藝術來詮釋人文精神。由犀腳延伸而成的底座,線條流暢,毫無羈絆的奔騰馳騁於大地之上,單腳著地之形象,讓人聯想到馬踏飛燕,別具風姿。 以其對歷史的回顧,還原中國古老的青銅工藝。

The base of "The Running Rhino" sculpture seamlessly flows from the rhino's foot, creating a feeling of boundless freedom as it gallops on a single leg across the earth. This graceful movement is reminiscent of a horse stepping lightly on a flying swallow, and its beauty speaks to a deeper philosophical understanding of life. Additionally, the sculpture's retrospective approach to history pays tribute to the ancient Chinese tradition of bronze craftsmanship, adding yet another layer of depth to its already rich philosophical significance.