Swift Horse | 赤兔戰

語音導覽 銅 94 x 30 x 77cm


  《赤兔戰馬》這件作品將神話中良駒英俊挺拔的神采加以提煉,並延續藝術家獨創的符號:象徵出類拔萃與領導才華的獨角,角上有著基因般螺旋的指紋印記,於此又賦予戰馬超現實的精神;身披金縷衣,強調了牠的忠心驍勇和專注無畏。牠豎起耳朵耳聽四面,精神抖擻的步態輕盈矯健,絕世的腳程將帶領主人勇過五關、斬六劫難,而戎冑同時也意味戰馬懂得在時機中展現天縱才華的智慧。 細看他的步履,勃發的大腿肌肉線條是馳騁的力量來源,動態由上而下傳遞,根於腿,發於膝,踢踏流暢、節節連貫,讓人聯想到電光石火的疾行;小腿處的護膝彰顯了牠行進中仍保有貴族名門的優雅,更有千里馬被伯樂賞識呵護的寓意。貴為商業保護神的護法,《赤兔戰馬》騰雲駕霧而來,他便是誠信、正義的化身,只願跟隨英雄人物是純血寶馬的驕傲,與英雄豪傑共創時代是他的期待亦是他重如泰山的使命。

The Red Hare, a descendant of the legendary Han-Xue Baoma, was the trusted steed of the great general Guan Yu during the Three Kingdoms era, and the foremost among the four renowned horses. It was said that the Red Hare's coat shone like flames, its body measuring a length of ten feet and a height of eight, with a speed that could cover a thousand miles in a day and eight hundred at night, and a majestic neigh that echoed through the clouds.

The artwork "Swift Horse" captures the mythical beauty of this magnificent creature, emphasizing its prowess and leadership qualities through the artist's unique symbol: a spiral fingerprint on the unicorn's horn, representing its exceptional talents and transcendental spirit. The horse is adorned with a golden robe, signifying its loyalty, courage, and unwavering focus. With alert ears and agile steps, it exudes a lively and graceful presence, its unparalleled speed guiding its master through the most daunting challenges. The knightly imagery also conveys the horse's astute intelligence in seizing the opportune moment.

Looking closely at its gait, the powerful muscles in its thighs fuel its strides, conveying energy that flows seamlessly from leg to knee to hoof, reminiscent of the swift movements of lightning. Its leg guards at the ankles display the horse's aristocratic elegance, a reminder of its noble lineage as a prized steed recognized and protected by the legendary horse expert, Bo Le. As the patron of commerce and protector of justice, "Swift Horse" soars through the clouds, embodying the virtues of integrity and righteousness, proud to accompany heroic figures as a purebred treasure, and driven by its unwavering sense of duty, heavy as Mount Tai.