The Impregnable Rhino | 銅牆鐵壁

語音導覽 不銹鋼手工鍛造、鐵板 stainless steel, iron 210 x 22.5 x 108cm


"The Impregnable Rhino," formerly known as "Copper Wall and Iron Barrier," adopts a horizontal composition on a metal plate with the head of a King Kong rhino serving as the central axis. The sculpture combines the material characteristics of stainless steel mirror reflection with the industrialized metal material, symbolizing industrial civilization. By compressing the object and altering the perspective principle, the sculpture highlights the three-dimensional space. The relief-like form of the sculpture allows it to break free from a simple two-dimensional plane, creating a high relief effect that transforms the realistic proportion of vision. The sculpture presents a multidirectional three-dimensional effect in both the surface and volume, creating various density visual effects. The strong and sharp lines and the balanced and stable structure of "The Impregnable Rhino" vividly represent the artist's macro and resolute aesthetic preference. The sculpture represents a symbol of impregnability and fortitude, standing firm in the face of challenges and adversity, while also being a reflection of industrialized society and its impact on the environment.